ATX GIS Day is Back!!!

ATX GIS Day is Back!!!

Aug 7, 2017. | By: Admin


ATX GIS Day is back this year and the planning committee has been hard at work preparing for this year’s event!

Help us make this year spectacular by providing activity and venue ideas below.

ATX GIS Day Activity Survey
We are looking for new and engaging ideas for ATX GIS Day 2017. You can submit as few or as many ideas as you’d like. We’ve provided a few guided questions to help.

ATX GIS Day Venue Crowdsourcing Map
We are looking for venue ideas to host ATX GIS Day 2017. Add as many venue ideas as you’d like. Details about the venue are great but not necessary. The main criteria to consider is a central location to the Austin area and free parking.

Both surveys will close next Wednesday 8/16/17.

Thanks! The ATX GIS Day Planning Team


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