URISA Texas Virtual Speaker Series - March 2017

URISA Texas Virtual Speaker Series - March 2017

Feb 21, 2017. | By: Admin


The Role of GIS in Emergency Response and How We’re Meeting That in Texas

Presentation Outline:

The presentation will address the role of GIS in Emergency Response within the state of Texas. The Texas Emergency GIS Response Team “EGRT” is a rapidly deployable GIS resource built to support disaster response and recovery efforts. The concept for EGRT was developed in 2006 for the North East Fire Department Association (NEFDA). This association covers 14 cities in Northeast Tarrant county. The presentation will cover how EGRT has continued to grow and now provides statewide emergency assistance across six regional areas of Texas. The speaker will answer questions regarding required training and volunteer opportunities so the call-up list can continue to grow.

About the Speaker:

David Allen is the State Director of Operations for TxEGRT. He is also the GIS Manager for the City of Euless, Texas. He is an adjunct Faculty at the Tarrant County College (January 1999 - Present). Mr. Allen is a certified GISP and is considered an expert in the Geoscience discipline. He earned a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Texas at Arlington (1980-1983). He has published several ESRI tutorial workbooks on spatial analysis, python scripting, and modelbuilder.

To join:

Participants can connect to the audio conference by calling in via phone, or by using online audio with a headset.

Follow this link to register: http://urisatexas.org/event-2469580


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